
Going vegetarian this week.

Sitting beside my husband watching Dancing with the Stars (which btw, what a** clown intern at ABC picked this year’s line up?!) ย the other night, I had an idea to go vegetarian with this week’s meals. $30 at the farmer’s market later, we nabbed everything we needed to make 4 dinners. Fabulous!

We attempted ratatouille. I wanted to make it Thomas Keller-style, like the movie‘s, but that recipe was beyond me on a Tuesday evening, and my shallow oval baking dish was, well I dont have one… so I kinda improvised.

Slice thinly: italian eggplant, roma tomatoes, zucchini, yellow squash and get yourself some hefty, herb-y tomato sauce and pretty much voila. It’s a no brainer, really. But mine didnt really transfer from pan to plate like sir Remy’s. Oh well. It was delish anyway!

So bright, lovely and yummy! First bite, my husband starts chuckling and remembered the part of the movie when the food critic Ego takes his first bite and it takes him back to his childhood…. I don’t think Shayne ever had ratatouille growing up but maybe it gave him a warm, fuzzy, young-again feeling…. I don’t know?

I sometimes have the unfortunate task of closing the bakery some nights. Its annoying, its taxing and I hate dealing with crave-crazed people looking for something we don’t have at 9:45 p.m. So, my husband made dinner for me….at 10:45….. Since we went veggie I told him just to throw together a tortilla pizza with whatever produce we had. He gets all nervous when I ask him to make dinner because he thinks I’m going to pick through it.. or say this or that.. which he’s right… I do. But, only in my head. ๐Ÿ™‚ He is a wonderful cook, once he gets passed the my-wife’s-a-food-critic-and-will-probably-hate-this anxiety. I really do love his food.

Best sous chef. These tortizzas were sooooo good. I highly recommend to anyone who loves crispy, cracker-like crust!! No sauce, just olive oil and whatever you have in the crisper.

Notice mine has cubed veggies on it. I have a weird thing about everything I eat (especially vegetables on something) being cut up small. Like, I hate when you eat salads at restaurants and you have to open your mouth like a neanderthal to get the huge WEDGE of romaine to fit in. Its like…really?… Bite size. How hard?

This was not planned, I was originally going to make veggie tacos but we did not have small shells/tortillas nor did we have any beans. So, from leftover black bean dip I made like last week, I made these: (mexican tortizzas!)

Big tortilla, black bean dip, mozzarella in a 350 oven for 10 minutes. Diced tomato, red onion, avocado and chopped cilantro. S+P to taste.

Enjoy your meals…



I’m having a foodie aneurysm!

My super wonderful husband has been wheeling and dealing with my long lost amazing friend Joel, who is also a cmyfood faithful and lives in New York. For the past.. I dont know.?… however many weeks… they’ve been secretly planning my birthday trip to NYC. Hollaaaaaaa!

Yeah, yeah… ย I hate surprises. I hate the not knowing something that I should know. But they got me! I did know we were going somewhere because I had to ask off so many days with work. I kinda had a feeling he was taking me to Texas. Not that I am upset….. at all. ๐Ÿ™‚

But now, I am like…. W.T.F. are we gonna EAT!?!!? I mean, honestly! There’s countless restaurants, I can’t even wrap my head around the Frommer’s Eating in NYC chapter. Here’s an open invite to anyone out there who has eaten an extraordinary meal in any one place or two… or three… in NYC to send the suggestions in via comment.

My traveled peers have peppered on some suggestions and so far I will definitely be getting a Frrrozen Hot Chocolate from Serendipity 3 and small plates from Alta. Thanks friends! ๐Ÿ™‚

Comment before October 7th!